Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Life According To...

Yo! Happy Sunday!

I haven't been up to much lately.

Easter was pretty awesome. I made a Meyer Lemon Mascarpone Cheesecake.
It was pretty freaking exciting.

 The sugar just kept on flowing

all week long.

Then I felt like I needed something green
with 1.5 sticks of butter and a cup full of Parmesan...because sometimes I need to balance my fat and sweet intake.

Word of advice: Don't feed the Yorkie sugar or baked chicken
she will be fat and happy...and on your last nerve every single second of the day.

Guess what?

I saw a caterpillar this week.
 I don't think I have spotted one since the third grade. Back then I would pick them up and let them crawl all over me. I let out a shriek when I saw this caterpillar, I don't know if it was an "omg I just saw a caterpillar" shriek, or the "omg I thought it was a roach" shriek. It was probably a little bit of both.

Another word of wisdom, usually anything that is a shadow in the corner of your eye (if you live in Texas) is a Texas hissing cock roach. They like to present themselves in many forms...especially creep up out of my Special K cereal box to wake me up in the morning.

Oh, I love sunrises

pretty white and black prints

  and fresh strawberries.



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