Friday, April 13, 2012

Let's Get Personal.

So, the other day I read mi amiga Aubrey's personality post over at I Talk to Food and decided that some of you really, really, ridiculously might not know anything about me. Now, I really try to put my entire life out there for y'all to read about (with the exception of a few things), but I thought you might want to get to know me better.

 First things first, I make really funny facial expressions:


the time.
Hey, that's just me. Seriously, my facial expressions don't do me justice. 

Let's get real.

I know you are just dying to know what kind of toothpaste I use and how many times I use the word "like" in a sentence. Right? For sure.

To keep you from going crazy, I am going to delight you by answering some of these cute little personality questions. I would love to know your answers for some of these, so feel free to write an entire blog post, or just answer one of the questions in the comment section below!


1. When a cashier in the check-out line is being a grump for no reason, how do you particularly act? 
First, I might ask myself, "What the muck is wrong with this person?" Then, I will proceed to directly confront them. You see, I have worked in customer service jobs for practically the entirety of my job-ing life. That being said, I know how to treat customers, with the respect that they deserve. Not once did I/ or will I ever let something personal effect the way that I interact with customers at work. Unless, of course, they are trying to physically or verbally harm me...then, it's on, on like Donkey Kong.

2. Are you the type that likes going out with your girl-friends or staying in?
Baha! Anyone that knows me, and I mean, really, really, knows me knows that I will choose dinner and t.v. at home over going out for drinks with friends. I seriously have homebody-itis. It is similar to senior-itis, just you don't want to leave, you just want to stay (at home in this case), all the time. Truly, I do believe there is a time and a place to hang out with my girl-friends, like for birthdays and special events, and hell, if one of us is just having a bad day, week, month, or year, I will go out and hang, but I am not one to do it, 24/7/365 M-F, every single damn day. It can be a problem because sometimes I think that I could be out there meeting new friends, and, in particular, the guy that I want to spend the rest of my life with. Let's just say that I am working at getting better at this.

3. Do you sob and get emotional watching romantic movies
Only, and I mean, ONLY if I have been through something that the character is going through in the movie. I am not one to just cry on impact, it truly has to affect me in some sort of way. I have actually been having bad dreams that have caused me to wake up crying lately. Last night, my godfather died in my dream. Not cool. At all. I actually blame it on the fact that I have been taking a 24-hour allergy pill before knocks me off my feet.

4. What stresses you out the most
Well, 100% of my stress used to come from thinking about my future. It's just something about not knowing what I will be doing tomorrow, a week, or 5 years from now, that really freaks me the hell out. Oh, but I would say that my stress is now at a good 45% from that. I figure things will all happen at the right place and at the right time. I have patience. Oh, and a little part of my stress comes from money, as in I will never have enough and never be successful...yada yada ya!

5. What do you think people think of you?
To be honest, I really don't care what others think of me. That is the truth. If you would have asked me 5 years ago, I was out to make others like me, always on a mission to be a people pleaser. Now, I just hope that they would think that I was a sweet person with a beautiful heart. I am really a loving person when it comes down to it. I love to do for others and I think I show that quality every single day, whether its with something that I cook/bake, or doing the simplest task to help someone out. I also am pretty humorous at times and love to crack a good joke or two.

6. When you overindulge do you hit the gym to burn it all off, or just accept your indulgence and follow your same routine?
 If you would have asked me this two years ago I would have unfortunately answered with going to the gym and burning it all off. You see, there was a little person inside my head telling me that it wasn't okay to eat calories, and to burn them all the time. Now, I know that to live life fully you have to treat yourself. I started living my life when I started indulging. Now I have my cake, and go to the gym whenever! It's no biggie.

7. Are you easily annoyed
Yes, the littlest things annoy me, like the tapping of nails as someone types away on the computer. So, yes, I am annoying myself as we speak. Messy people annoy me, you know, the ones that can't clean up after themselves. Sheesh!

8. What do you think your biggest personality flaw is?
Definitely being a homebody. I am so outgoing which is why this is ironic. I have lots of friends and I love to socialize. When it comes down to it, I could just give a care less to go out and party. I have always been like this. I am perfectly content, yet think I might need some change.

9. What is one thing people don't see enough when it comes to your personality?
Nothing really, I lay it all on the table.

10. Can you feel relaxed in a busy crowd or a messy room?
If it's a messy room, forget about it! I go crazy and have to clean it asap! Now, it depends on where this busy crowd is, and weather or not I want to be in this particular crowd. If it's at a nice event, I am totally relaxed, especially because I know I will have a glass of wine in my hand, but if it's somewhere that I got dragged too, I most likely will want to leave. I get kind of claustrophobic.

So, that was a whole lot of junk about, it's your turn! Pick a question from above and answer it in the comment section below.



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