Monday, July 30, 2012

Smooth Operator

Happy Monday y'all,

I can absolutely tell you that it is Monday because I just deleted my entire post for accident. Let's just "wing it" here shall we? Never been a fan of smoothies...or juices for that matter...I know, what the? Anyway, yesterday I had an epiphany and made a life altering decision...I needed a blender. You see, I pretty much burned up my mom's $20 dollar blender by trying to make pesto in it. Yea, that didn't happen. So, yesterday the Dad and I took a trip and bought the Ninja Blender...holy Ninja, Batman! 

Some smoothie-ing this morning...
1/2 frozen banana, 1 c. kale, 1 c. unsweetened, vanilla almond milk, 2 packets of Truvia sweetener, and a pinch of cinnamon!

I'm turning green as we speak, but delicious!



  1. That is the tiniest smoothie ever. Needddds more UMPF!

  2. haha. It's for one person only. Believe me, it was definitely enough for one person :)
