Sunday, July 29, 2012

My Life According To...

Happy Sunday y'all.

Today I will be tuning in to the Olympics, specifically gymnastics, that is all. 

No, seriously though, when I say that I love the Olympics, I mean the gymnastic part. 

Oh, oh and the hot swimmers (NOT Michael Phelps)...more like Ryan Lochte.

Ummm yes please.

This is my life this week.

Study and caffeinate
caffeinate and study

oh, and more studying.

Thank gawd I have food to fuel my pie

 and cookies.
What did you expect?

If I had to come back to life as an animal, I'm pretty sure that I'd be a dog.

 I mean, seriously...

life is full of hard knocks for them.

Hello there Throwback I've missed you!

 As it gets hotter, I find myself getting more these babies.

Do some back flips in honor of the Summer Olympics...err..gymnastics today!



  1. Busy week! Yummy treats can make the mundane seem like real fun! Have a sweet Sunday!

  2. Yummy food pics! Enjoy the Olympics! And Lochte ;)
