Sunday, June 3, 2012

My Life According To...

Happy Sunday y'all!

Last Sunday after we chatted, I made myself a little brunch, leftover Greek yogurt with Strawberries and cinnamon, and roasted patty pan squash with spinach, and baba ganoush?
Yes, I pretty much put baba ganoush on everything.

 My dad and I celebrated Memorial Day with a good brunch at our family's fave breakfast spot: Frank's Grill, Telephone Rd. It's epic. Always. 

That's our amigo Juan, the best cook and omelet flipper ever.

I got my usual veggie omelet with extra veggies and wheat toast burnt to a crisp.

That gave Dad and I some fuel to do some chalkboard painting in the kitchen.

 The finished product! That photo in the center is of my the late, and Great Uncle Bobby...his story is definitely for another time.

This week I channeled my inner Italian...first with green beans...because green beans are sooo Italian, right?

Then, with a little pizza.

I also channeled my inner Lance Armstrong on the bike trainer. I am just starting to enter the biking world, but with help from my Dad...I should be a pro tomorrow!

Oh, I also channeled my inner hoochie, I did not buy, nor do I ever wear shorts that short! 
I'm not really sure what I was thinking, they didn't look that short on the rack. 

Let's just say I couldn't breathe, and once the blood circulation was flowing through my legs again, I was able to actually sit down.

I'm pretty sure we should leave the extra-short jean fad back in high school, where they belong.

I also had THE BEST pedicure of my life this week (shout out to my Auntie Ann for the recc.).

 Now, neon is something that will never go out of style in my book!

Oh hey there Throwback Thursday! That's me on the far right, seester in the middle, cousin Meg on the outside, and cousin Morgie as the baby. Oh, and that baby is graduating from HIGH SCHOOL today!
I'm seriously like 80 years old.

 Oh hey there random space shuttle on the side of the high way.
For those of you non-Nassau-Bay-ians, there is something called Shuttlebration going on this weekend. 

It has really put a dent in traffic flow. Like as in, traffic doesn't all.

Totally joking.

Oh hey there...Seester is in town! Oh, and she is wearing my fave Anthropologie dress and holding some gorgeous eggplant from the Farmer's Market.
Love when she rummages through my closet and wears my dresses and then gets 10,000 compliments on the dress at the Farmer's Market, but hey, all I can say is, she does wear it well.

Now, I should probably go eat a donut so we can't wear the same size anymore.

 Oh, blueberries, we once had a hate relationship, but now
 all I have is love for you!

Glorious KALE!

I am Uber excited about these new Uber Bars from Larabar.
I make myself chuckle.

Princess (aka Didda-Boo) likes to sunbathe in the front seat.

She also likes to take best buddy naps with Bella.

Have a fabulous Sunday!!!



  1. What a fantastic, chalk-full (haha) week!!! And, an exceptional weekend for you and your family, too! Love your poking fun at short shorts!!! too funny! xo

  2. FABULous PEDI. We shall do a girls day of that this summer. love the weekly recap.
