Friday, June 1, 2012


Happy Friday y'all!

So, today I totally had a delicious scone recipe to share with y'all...but I will wait until Monday, sometimes there are just more important things than food. Wait...did I just say that? Maybe it's the coffee talking.

So, yea, sometimes other things require attention.

Like waking up at 5 a.m. to catch the sunrise on the pier with Dad.

Living in the moment and 

enjoying Mother Nature 

at her best.

Seriously? Nothing more breathtakingly beautiful.

What a great start to the day.

 Oh, and an impromptu photo shoot with Bella.

One happy pup.

Pure heaven

on earth.

Hope your weekend is absolutely magnificent!



  1. Truly magnificent, Chelsy! Ain't nothin' like the good life!!! Have a beautiful weekend! xo

  2. That pic of you in the bella in a blk//white made me cry. So beautiful the bond you have formed with her. A full and complete unconditional love.
    And that sunset and living in the momemt just capped it off. Wow, what I would give to watch that sunrise with peeps. what a gift. Thats called living in the momemt. So precious.
