Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Gone Fishing.

Now, I don't normally get complaints about my cooking (although I welcome constructive criticism), however; I do get complaints FOR my cooking. My parents begin to come off with statements such as, "Oh, someone didn't make any cookies today!?"..."And when are we having fish tacos again?" Well, excuse me for taking a breather for a second! Anyway, the point is, I would rather have people WANT me to cook, than not want me to cook. Ha ha. I guess cooking just comes with the territory. 

Anyway, my reply to the second question above was, "I will make fish tacos Monday night...you can guarantee it!' Now, as a young child I really enjoyed fishing (even though it only occurred occasionally), and then I really enjoyed going down to the wholesale fish market on Saturday's with my family (because it was like fishing...only without all of the work!). My fave fish of all time is red snapper, only because my dad is a master on the grill with the red snapper. Even though we have two beautiful grills outside, I can't seem to figure out how to work them...this is the story of my life. 

So, I found a way to reinvent my "usual" fish tacos...

starting with some lovely red snapper.

 I rubbed those suckers with some spices and pan seared them 
don't mess with my pan searing...I've got this down.

I can't even begin to imagine fish tacos without salsa...it's a crime.
Strawberry-Mango Salsa is where it's at people!

 No excuses.

I might as well tell you have freaking delicious this dish is...the red snapper is perfectly seasoned with cumin and chili powder! Oh, and the pan searing locks in the moisture on this fish, giving it a buttery flavor and melt in your mouth texture with each bite!

 The Strawberry-Mango Salsa is seriously the icing on the cake...speaks for itself.
I also used one of my go-to slaw recipes for the tacos, but make this dish your own, go crazy! Hell, even choose your own tortilla to wrap these babies in! 

Just include margaritas. Always include margaritas.

Pan-Seared Red Snapper Tacos with Strawberry-Mango Salsa:

1 pound of fresh snapper, cut into fours (I had my fish guy do this), skin removed
chili powder
salt and pepper
extra-virgin olive oil
2 large mangoes, peeled and diced
1/2 c. fresh strawberries, roughly chopped
1/2 bunch of fresh cilantro, roughly chopped
1/2 of a red onion, finely chopped
1 poblano pepper, seeds discarded and roughly chopped
juice of 1 lime
salt and pepper, to taste
your choice of tortilla

1. Season both sides of each piece of snapper with the cumin, chili powder, salt and pepper.
2. Heat a large non-stick skillet over medium heat, add a couple of drizzles of the evoo.
3. Lay the fish down in the pan and cook, about four minutes on each side. I did this in batches. 
4. Once the fish is finished cooking, set the fish aside on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper to rest.
5. To make the salsa, combine the first five ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Add the lime juice and mix well, coating the salsa evenly. 
6. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, adjust seasoning to your liking. Chill until ready to use, or place the fish in a tortilla and spoon the salsa directly over the fish. 

Serves 4. 



  1. Snap snap.............give me some snapper! Looks delicious, Chelsy!! You are a kitchen mistress for sure!!

  2. Oh this looks awesome! I love seafood and I completely agree that all fish tacos need to be paired with a fresh salsa. Your salsa looks like the perfect compliment. Nice!
