Monday, June 11, 2012

California Raisins.

Every time I think of raisins, one thing enters my, as a little girl, dressed in my favorite California Raisins t-shirt. My parents gifted that t-shirt to me from a trip they had taken to Cali. It had a juicy, over-sized California raisin, on the front of it, made to look like it was dancing. Because raisins dancing is totally normal. I never took it off. If only i still had that t-shirt today. 

I really have a dislike for raisins (i think we have been over this before) except when they are in an oatmeal raisin cookie. Oh, and maybe if they are in a salty trail mix where the peanuts are honey roasted to mask the flavors of that itty bitty dried up prune that I am eating. Oh well. Anyway, I arrived home on Saturday, soooo excited to test run my own gluten-free oatmeal raisin cookie. 

One problem: A little birdie named Seester had eaten all of the raisins. 

So, I got over it

whirled some things in a food processor

and made a cinnamony, oatey, cookie dough.

Good news...they were absolutely delicious! 

 This cookie is all about the oatmeal, using pureed oats to make a flour, and oh my word...the cinnamon  really takes this oatmeal cookie to a whole notha' level!
 I added raisins to the last batch and they were perfect, chewy on the inside, and crispy on the outside, with a world of flavor!

Oh, we have this thing in my family where we take a piece off a cookie and eat it, then put the rest back for later...these were the last pieces of cookies that I had all to myself!

Have you ever arrived home to find out that you were missing an essential ingredient to cook/bake with? Did you make substitutes or just go back to the store?


Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal Cookies (GF/V):

2 1/4 c. gluten-free rolled oats (or regular oats are fine as well)
3/4 t. baking soda
1/2 t. salt
1 1/2 t. ground cinnamon
3/8 c. light brown sugar
3/8 c. granulated sugar
3 T. melted coconut oil
4-6 T. light coconut milk (I started with less and added more just to be safe, you don't want an overly sticky dough, just one that you are able to work you hands with)
1/2 c. raisins

1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
2. In a food processor, blend the first 6 ingredients together until a flour like mixture occurs. It should like whole wheat flour in color.
3. Transfer the flour mixture to a large mixing bowl and add the coconut oil and coconut milk. Mix well.
4. Fold in the raisins. 
5. Drop the dough by rounded tablespoons onto the prepared baking sheet. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until slightly golden brown and slightly firm to the touch on the outer edges.
6. Let the cookies cool on the baking sheet.

Note: To make these cookies completely vegan you can use coconut sugar in place of the brown sugar and granulated sugar.

Makes about 2 dozen cookies.


1 comment:

  1. I gotta get busy baking again. These sound just perfect for the coffee hour. I know, I like everything sweet with my coffee. xo
