Friday, June 15, 2012

Cake For Father's Day!

Just now posting because I have spent the majority of my morning helping my Dad shave our near 80 pound Labrador Retriever. Let's just say, Bella is about 80 square inches too big and needs professional help with her coat because she just has too much hair! 

Speaking of dad's, every Father deserves some kind of yummy meal for Father's Day, which, according to my dad, is every day. While I do enjoy cooking for my dad 365 days of the year, I feel that Father's Day is just another special day for me to show him how much I love him. Most often this involves me cooking him a delicious meal, or baking his favorite treat. If I was nine, he would expect a handmade card with pictures of poorly drawn dogs that look like cats, and maybe, just maybe, I would make him a bowl of Special K. 

Times have changed now, and I am much more refined, like now, my dog artwork looks like elephants. Anyway, my dad definitely deserves his favorite treat, I mean, he is the most hardworking man I know, and pretty comedic, might I add (which is why I am just so darn funny, hah!). 

Dad, I don't know where I would be without you, you have taught me so many things: how to ride a bike (and are still teaching me to this day ;) ), how to drive stick in your Corvette, how to make a mean meatball, and how to sew (I'm still working on that). But, most of all, you taught me how to LOVE. Thank you for everything you have done for me and are still doing today! I LOVE YOU!

 Okay, so, yesterday, to show my Dad how much I love him, I made him a German Chocolate Cake, only raw. Oh mah gahhhhh! 

This stuff is delicious! 

 The "cake" is deliciously nutty, chock full of pecans, with a hint of sweetness from the dates and agave nectar! Oh, and duh, there's shredded coconut in it!
Oh, and the "frosting" is out of this world! Full of coconut, a dash of coconut milk for a creamy texture, and more agave!

Yep, I'm pretty much the best daughter in the world. Not to brag or anything.

So, make your dad a cake for Father's Day!

Oh, and make sure to show your support by helping him devour the entire thing!

Raw German Chocolate Cake (GF/V):

2 c. whole raw pecans
2 tsp. raw cacao powder
1/2 t. sea salt
1/2 c. unsweetened, shredded coconut
1/3 c. whole Medjool dates, pitted
2 T. agave nectar
1 c. raw whole cashews, soaked in a bowl of water overnight
1 whole vanilla bean
3 T. agave nectar
1/4 c. coconut milk
1/2 c. unsweetened, shredded coconut

1. For the cake, in the bowl of a food processor, process the pecans, cacao powder, and salt until a slightly chunky mixture forms.
2. Add the dates and agave and process for about 1 minute. 
3. Add the shredded coconut and pulse a couple of times.
4. Press the mixture into a medium sized, about 8-in. spring form pan. Place in the freezer while making the frosting.
5. For the frosting, in the bowl of a food processor, blend the cashews, vanilla bean, agave, coconut milk, and coconut until a slightly chunky, yet smooth mixture forms. 
6. Take the cake out of the freezer and spread the frosting evenly over the top. Put the cake back in the freezer for about 30 minutes. 
7. Take the cake out of the freezer about 10 minutes before serving. Using a serrated knife, slice the cake into 8 even slices. Top each slice with extra shredded coconut and a pecan...just for cute decoration!

Makes 8 slices.


1 comment:

  1. I've never really been a raw fan... but this one is really turning my head!!! Well done!
