Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Singing in the Rain.

Happy Wednesday y'all!

Let's talk more about things that I love. I love the rain. I love to dance in the rain, run in the rain, hell I even love to sing in the rain. I love to sit quietly and listen to the pitter patter of the rain drops as they ricochet off the concrete. Most of all, I love to bake in the rain. Well, not outside in the rain but you know what I mean :). 

I also love my food processor.
Without it...making all sorts of nut butters wouldn't be possible.

Enter my beloved almond butter.
Hello there drippy, salty, buttery goodness.

This almond butter has been salted, and sweetened with a little maple syrup.

There is also some smoky vanilla bean up in there. 

It's totally gnarly dude. 

Got it dudes?
Totally Michelle Tanner style dudes.

You can slather this stuff on some bread. 

Or maybe gift it to a special someone for Valentine's Day.
Again, just a thought. :)

Salted Maple Vanilla Bean Almond Butter (GF/V/P):

3 c. roasted, unsalted almonds
1/4 c. maple syrup
2-3 T. melted coconut oil
seeds of 1 vanilla bean
1/2 t. coarse sea salt

1.  In the bowl of a food processor, process the almonds on high until they start to break down and become creamy, like a nut butter, about 10 minutes.
2. Add the maple syrup, vanilla bean, and sea salt and process until the mixture becomes creamy again, about 5-6 minutes.
3. With the food processor running, slowly stream in the melted coconut oil, beginning with 1 tablespoon and increasing to 2 tablespoons and then 3 tablespoons only if the almond butter is too thick. I stopped at 2 tablespoons but you may think you need more. :)
4. Pour your almond butter into a large mason jar and spread on whatever your heart desires!

Makes about 2 cups of almond butter.


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