Monday, February 25, 2013

Coffee Chatter.

Happy Monday y'all!

Let's have coffee together!

It will be soooooo much fun!

I promise.

How do you take your coffee?

If I'm at home it is all about the I usually choose a Texas pecan flavor, add a splash of coconut milk, a splash of vanilla syrup, and a dash of cinnamon. If we were to go out for coffee I'd order a doppio espresso with a packet of sugar mixed in. 

If we were having coffee right now, I would tell you that I must have 1 coffee a day...preferably in the morning...otherwise, me no function correctly. :)

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I started a new job. 

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that working for my "little" sister is rewarding, yet at the same time belittling. Well, at least it feels like that to me. REAL TALK PEOPLE.

If were were having coffee, my house would currently smell like a perfume of baking brownies and kabocha squash.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that as of yesterday I am addicted to these kale chips
OMG cheddar...that is all. 

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I am wearing a chambray button down because I refuse to wear an apron while I bake and because I am prone to spilling things all over me. 

That is why my pretty blouses come out to play later in the day.

If we were having coffee, we would most likely be munching on some gluten-free and/or paleo muffins or scones. 

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I need a vacation. Like one, by myself, no one else, to essentially find out who I am and where I want to go as a person on my journey in life.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you how disappointed I was with the Oscar's and how Kristen Stewart makes me want to puke my guts out each time I see her.

If we were having coffee, I would obnoxiously show you pictures of my pup Annabelle...and maybe a few videos of her snoring. Or, if you stuck around long enough you could just watch her snore with me. 

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I secretly still want to be a dietitian and/or nutrition coach. Whoops...not a secret anymore. 

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I get my hair washed and styled at a salon 1/week. It just makes me feel pretty and clean. Ya know?

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I am hooked on watching episodes of The City on Hulu. 
Yes, the old MTV show. I love to fuel my fashion addiction.

If were were having coffee, I would tell you that winning the lottery for me would be epic right now. :)

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I just started reading this book. Then I would tell you that this is epic seeing as the closest I get to reading "books" are cookbooks and food magazines. 

If we were having coffee, we would talk about my future and where I see myself in 10+ years. Then I would tell you that in 5 years I see myself living in another part of the U.S. (preferably California...that is if the housing market gets better) owning my own business and getting married or having just been married. 

If we were having coffee, I'd ask you to hook me up with any outstanding SINGLE guy that you might know. 

If we were having coffee, I'd tell you that I am surprisingly unafraid of being set up on a blind date. That is, when the guy actually has time out of his busy work schedule to meet up.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that any second now I hope to give my blog a face-lift. Any second now...

If we were having coffee, I would show you my new veggie spiralizer that seester sent me as a surprise in the mail. 

If we were having coffee, I'd 100% ask you to stay for lunch and chat some more so that we could talk about what's new in your life too!

So, what's new?


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