Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My Life According To...

Happy Tuesday y'all!

I apologize for being M.I.A. for the past couple of days. Totally not like me. At all. 
The devastation that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary last Friday was enough to make me sick to my stomach. Needless to say, I have spent the past couple of days hugging my family members harder than usual. It's moments like these that make me really assess my life, which could be taken in an instant. Sometimes it is scary to think, "What would I do, what would I say, what would I think, if my last breaths were being taken?" However, it realistically puts into perspective what we should be doing: Living life to the fullest. 

What I've been up to this past week:

Getting my nails did...
glitter always puts me in a festive mood.

This was the first week I have been able to actually read a magazine without a million things 
going on inside my head about school or work. 

I'm pretty sure that you need these
Okay, I'm 100% sure.

I'm just a silly fool for biscuits

Our neighbors were giving away free grapefruits from their tree. 

So, I know that everyone has been talking about this tragedy, but it is something to think about. What are your thoughts? Do you live your life to the fullest? If so, how?


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