Monday, December 10, 2012

My Life According To...

Happy Monday y'all!

I apologize for the hiatus yesterday...I have been extremely busy lately. You shall see what I've been up to. Anyway, I was so exhausted yesterday from traveling over the weekend that I thought my rest was a little more important :)
Last Sunday my mom and dad went to purchase our first "real" Christmas tree in a loooong time. You see I am allergic to real trees, so it has been quite a while since we had one. However, this year I crossed my fingers and said a prayer and really...I just wanted to be like all the regular kids and have a fresh Christmas tree. I just want to smell the fresh pine scent wafting through the house as I sit in my living room watching Christmas that to much to ask. 

I think not!

No words. Wait...crispy, chocolate, tart, sweet. 

Oh, ya know...just making some pesto

This is the best stuff I've made all week. 

Playing Santa for my secret Food 52 buddy. 
These are my favorite "cookies" of all time, especially around Christmas. 

Just walking to class with the local campus ducks. 

Throwback Thursday. 
Pimped out in my biker hat. 

This is me and my dad on the final night that my great Uncle Joe Matranga's Italian restaurant was open. 
I miss those red checkered table cloths. 

Fast forward to Saturday morning. 4:30 am wake up call to Austin for seester's college graduation.

Pit stop #1: H'ruska's aka Mecca. 
You've never been to such an awesome gas station with homemade kolaches.

It blows Buckeye's right out of the water. 

View from the 24th floor of our hotel room. 
Shout out to Mr. Hilton for the accommodations and for letting our dogs stay with us. 

Seester graduating. 

Throwing up the horns.

Post graduation family photo op. 

Sunday morning breakfast at 24 Diner. Love the upside down Christmas tree decor. 

Coffee was my crutch this weekend. 

Perfect way to end the beautiful weekend. Scrambled eggs with salsa. 


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