Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Capital P.

Happy Wednesday y'all!

Is it too early to start prepping for Thanksgiving? I think not! I started recipe testing yesterday for Thanksgiving and I might as well have cranked up the Tony Bennett Christmas album and started decorating the tree. I just looooove this time of year. Anyway, I wish someone in my family would drop the ball already and let me know who is hosting Thanksgiving. While I would love to do it...I am totally not prepped, my kitchen is too tiny, and my oven...well, that is another story.

 While it's nice for me to hope that I will hear something from a family member soon, I know how we do things in my family...everything starts with a CAPITAL P...for Procrastination. If things go smoothly, I should hear something the night before Thanksgiving. The good thing is, I have mapped out my plan of attack on sides, desserts to bring to the gathering (wherever that may be). You see, baby seester needs to have options when it comes to Thanksgiving...meaning no gluten and no dairy. Don't worry. I got dis.

Let's talk about cranberry sauce. No, not that jelly like substance that comes in a can. I'm talking real, deal cranberry sauce made with actual cranberries. Now, I usually have my go to jalapeno cranberry relish that I make each year, but yesterday, I was searching for something quick and simple to make. 

Basically, I just threw some things into a pot...
starting with cranberries...duh.

20 minutes later...BADA-BING. 
Fresh Honey Cranberry Sauce.

Of course I don't have a huge roasted turkey (because it I did I would slather this stuff on it)
so naturally, I broke out the crackers and cream cheese

and went to town.
This sauce is delightfully thick, not overly sweet, and scented with orange juice for a little zing!

My plan was to freeze this stuff for Thanksgiving, but I predict I will finish this stuff off by Friday!

Good thing it's quick and easy to make...back to the market I go to stock up on cranberries!
Cream cheese...just do it.


Honey Cranberry Sauce (GF/V):

1/2 c. honey (or agave nectar)
1/4 c. water
12 oz. fresh cranberries
juice of 1 small orange (about 1/4 c.)

1. Place the honey and water in a large sauce pot. Bring to a boil on the stove.
2. Add the cranberries to the pot and bring back to a boil, stirring the mixture periodically.
3. Reduce the heat to medium-low and cook until the berries have burst and the sauce becomes thick, about 10 minutes. Stir in the orange juice.
4. Remove the pot from the stove and let cool for 10 minutes. Serve with cracker and whipped cream cheese, or alongside your Thanksgiving turkey!

Makes 1 large jar (about 1 1/4 cups).


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