Thursday, October 18, 2012


Happy Thursday y'all!

Today is going to be absolutely fantastic! I can just feel it in my bones. Totally. I mean, any day that comes before Friday must be an awesome day, right? Right! Now, I'm pretty much super duper excited for this weekend in particular because there is an outlet mall opening just a couple of miles down the road from me. All I can see right now is J.Crew and Ralph Lauren signs blinking in my brain. Not that I can afford anything, or not that I will actually purchase anything, I just absolutely love outlet malls! 

While we are on the topic of shopping...I absolutely cannot stand to shop...I mean, I love the end result: a new pair of shoes, a cute top, or some "omg I can't believe I found a pair of jeans that fit" jeans, I just can't stand the actual shopping process. Usually after the first hour I am ready to high-tail it on home...that is, unless I am having a really, really, ridiculously good shopping day. Or if I am with others, I will just take up a bench and people watch. Oh, the humor of people that try to fit into capri pants, and that one guy who wears shirts that are as bright as the sun. Yep, we are not in the 70's man, leave those at home. 

Or...if I have some really good snacks on hand to take my mind off large crowds of people, unruly sales associates, and long lines, I will probably grin and bear the shopping process. I just don't do food courts. Unless it's a Sonic drink...then, I do food courts. 

I'm talking about some really, really, ridiculously good mall shopping snacks.

The mini kind...the kind that can easily fit into my purse without be squished by the bottom-less pit of never worn lipstick, business cards, and a slew of Sharpie pens.

Something like a mini-muffin

a banana coconut mini-muffin made with coconut flour.
Double the coconut because you know that's how I do.

Healthy and delicious.

I mean, they are cute enough to possibly share with that obnoxious woman standing in front of you to purchase one pair of socks, who ironically, is tapping her toe at the 3 people that are in front of her with 5 billion +1 things to purchase!

Ooo OH, then we are going to "ice" them with a bit of coconut butter. 
 Triple the coconut...can you see where I am going with this?

Mini treats!!!


shaka laka.
Now, who is coming with?

Mini Coconut Flour Banana Muffins (GF):

3 ripe bananas, mashed
1/2 c. + 1 T. liquid egg whites, or 3 large eggs
1 T. vanilla extract
1 T. agave nectar (honey)
1/4 c. extra-virgin olive oil (or melted coconut oil)
1/2 c. coconut flour, sifted
1/2 t. sea salt
1 t. baking soda
1/4 c. unsweetened, shredded coconut
1 batch Coconut Butter

1. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a mini muffin cup pan with mini paper liners.
2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the bananas, egg whites, vanilla extract, agave, and oil. Mix well until thoroughly combined.
3. In a separate mixing bowl, combine the coconut flour, sea salt, and baking soda.
4. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix until thoroughly combined. Fold in the coconut.
5. Add 1/2 to 1 teaspoons full of the batter to each mini muffin cup.
6. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until slightly golden.
7. Let the muffins cool completely before topping each muffin with 1 teaspoon of coconut butter.

Makes 26 mini muffins.


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