Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Life According To...

It's a miracle.

Fall weather has arrived overnight round' these here parts.

It's currently 55 degrees. My mind is blown.

Oh, and my body has no idea what it is doing in a sweater and pants.


Happenings this week.

This cake.
Like...oh mah gaaaaa.

An apple a day.

Knock you off your feet Espresso Banana Breakfast Bread
caffeine jolt like whoa.

Found this at World Market and I'm seriously putting it on everything in sight.

Freshly washed and styled hair always makes me feel beautiful
and that's why you can't see my sweatpants.

The dogs thoroughly enjoy our quick road trips to the dry cleaners.

My mom picked up a hand-me-down golf cart from my grandparents on Friday. 
Dad, Bella, and I taking an inaugural ride. 

When I lived in Austin...Rudy's BBQ was my go to for brisket breakfast tacos
lucky me, they built one right around the corner from my house. So, this morning I introduced Dad to his first brisket breakfast taco.

Let's just say his face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning.

For the win!

Bella also had a little snack and was quite pleased herself.


1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous pics of you, your dad, and pups! Delicious pics of all your goodies! And, I must try Rudy's! Can we take the golf cart on that trip? Ha! Just joshin'! xo
