Sunday, September 2, 2012

My Life According To...

Happy Sunday y'all!

Tomorrow is a holiday...let's live it up.

Have a cookie.

Oh, and you should totally make a muffin working off of the idea of a cookie...and eat it for breakfast. 
It's totally legit. 

These are ahmazingly legit too!

This...not so legit. 
I mean, if I wanted to eat dirt I could have just gone into my backyard and shoveled some into a bowl. 

A sample from Rise Bars...delicious...more on that later. :)

Love me some tea room lunches...the fruit dressing at this place is absolutely sinful...don't know what they put in it, but will have to recreate it!

I love waking up to dead's really a great way to start the day...NOT!
Ugh...just ugh. 

Bike training is ah-mazing...especially when I get to watch re-runs of The Hills for an hour. 
Yes, I said "The Hills" totally don't judge me...K?

I rocked that Catholic school girl jumper like no body's business. 


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