Sunday, August 12, 2012

My Life According To...

Whoa, is it really Sunday? Because, seriously...yesterday felt like Sunday.

Well, at least to me it did.

I think it had something to do with the fact that I have been battling terrible allergies for the past four days.

Thankfully, I have my mom to medicate me. Mucinex is where it is at people.

Anyway, I actually caught up on my sleep seeing as I was basically a drowsy zombie hopped up on decongestants.

Of course this is what I see upon waking.
I mean, she practically sleeps for a why not take advantage of every opportunity, right? Hah!

I made this for my dad last Sunday for breakfast...BLT on gluten-free toast. Do It.

Ahhhhh...meat is still going strong in my house this week. Grilled pork chops and steaks for everyone!

I seriously cannot express how good these sweet potato skins are, like so good 
that I may just have to use the word SERIOUSLY another 10 times.

 I literally cannot go a week without cookies.

Whoa, summer in a salad? It can be done people!

First whack at Asian meatballs and danggggg, I knocked it out of the park!

I shared my "lush" side with y'all this week. Ummm...yea, right. Lush and Chelsy are rarely in the same sentence. 
Unless it's a wedding...then, party on Garth!

Gracias, Foodbuzz!

Thanks to my home girl Aubrey for this idea...zucchini fries...ah-freaking-mazing!

What's up Throwback Thursday? This is me and my first pup, my bff, the one, the only, Jake. 
He lived to age 13 and he was the best dog ever! He is a LEGEND!

I'm pretty much obsessed with Annabelle and her sloppy kisses.

We went to the dog park this week where she was completely unamused. She pretty much asked me, "You actually expect me to run around in 100 degree heat?" 

Barbie girl nails this week. 

 Apparently, being congested gave me the energy to bust out some impromptu migas and peppered bacon yesterday.



  1. What a great week with a beautiful daughter!

  2. What an incredible week! I'll have some of EVERYTHING, plus my toenails painted in Barbie pink while I enjoy the plethora of deliciousness!!! AAaaaahhhhhh!!!!!
