Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hatch Hash.

Happy Happy Wednesday y'all!

This week is flying by for me. I have a job interview today. Game face on. Let's talk about how I have not even begun to get sick of Hatch Chile season yet. I just relish in going to the grocery store and seeing the barrels of bright green peppers. Hatch Chile season only comes once a get them while they are hot! No pun intended. This year I am determined to buy a bunch, roast them, and freeze them so that I will have an endless winter supply...Hatch Chile cornbread stuffing anyone? I'm thinking yes. 

So, remember that taco recipe I posted yesterday? Well, that was Monday night dinner. We had a double dose of Hatch Chile's that night and let me tell you, this dish knocked my freaking socks off. Not only is it simple...but the flavors...oh mah gawd! This may be my new go to meal.

It all starts with a sweet potato, people...
peel and cube that sucker.

Then we cube some zucchini, and chop some garlic and of course, Hatch Chile's!

A little saute, a dash of salt and pepper, and a handful of fresh cilantro...


Hatch Chile Sweet Potato Hash
I am telling you...this dish is soooooo flavorful...a little bit of spicy, a little bit of sweet, and so healthy!

Hatch Chile Sweet Potato Hash (GF/V):

1/2 T. extra-virgin olive oil
1 large sweet potato, peeled, and cut into cubes
1 large zucchini squash, cut into cubes
1 large Hatch Chile, seeds removed, and chopped
1 clove of garlic, minced
1/2 bunch of fresh cilantro, chopped
1/2 t. freshly ground black pepper
1/2 t. salt

1. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat, drizzle with evoo.
2. Add the sweet potatoes first (they will take longest to cook). 
3. After about 1 minute, add the zucchini and hatch chile. 
4. Put a lid on the skillet to help steam the potatoes. Let the hash steam for about 3 minutes. 
5. Add the garlic, cilantro, black pepper, and salt. Fold everything together gently. Cook for about 1-2 minutes more, or until the sweet potatoes are tender.
6. Serve warm with tortillas

Serves 2-3. 



  1. This looks delicious!

    I have to confess, I love all peppers. I eat poblanos all the time, jalapeños and serranos like it's going out of style, and hatch. Frankly, I like them all the pretty much the same (though nothing beats poblanos for stuffing, imho).... As a Hatch aficionado, why do you love them so much in particular? I would love to understand the craze.

  2. Bev, like you I am a crzed girl for any hot pepper, so naturally I have the same affinity for Hatch that I do others, however, there is something about roasting a hatch chile that brings out the flavors and aromas of dishes that I never get with any other pepper :) Hope that helps!

  3. I'll have to keep experimenting:-)

    Btw, one of my friends who studied abroad with me in Italy nicknamed her bike "Mangia." I never quite understood why, but that might be why I just walked everywhere!

  4. This looks so delicious. I crave spicy and am also loving Hatch Chile season.

  5. Sounds to me like you could hatch any recipe which includes that chile as an ingredient.  
