Sunday, July 22, 2012

My Life According To...

Happy Sunday y'all!

This week, the sun finally came out!
Annabelle and I took a trip to the vet this week for a check-up. There I learned that she "could stand to lose a few pounds...maybe 5." Surprise, surprise. I guess Whataburger, sour cream and onion Lay's, and pizza are not on the doggie diet list.

Neither are these cookies.

Holy green sauce Batman! I cannot live without this stuff now...seriously addicting! 

Mid-week I worked in Galveston where I had a late breakfast at the Mosquito Cafe.
It was Okay. I think I will just give them the benefit of the doubt because I have heard really great things about their food. Next time...lunch!

 Luckily, there was Patty Cakes Bakery directly across the street.
What did you expect? I had to do some research. Expect a copy cat of this pineapple coconut bar in the near future. Holy Moly!

Cookies in a jar...brilliant!
I have two jars left, just staring at me on the kitchen counter as we speak.

 I took a nap yesterday...not just any nap...a two hour nap. This hasn't happen since I was in like...third grade!

When I woke up...this. 


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