Sunday, July 8, 2012

My Life According To...

No, I'm not dead. I promise. I apologize for the lack of posts lately, but as I've mentioned before I'm going back to school. This week has been all about getting my ducks in a row, and I am telling you, I have never met so many ignorant people in my life. That is all I'm going to say. Ha ha. Anyway, do you want to know what I am going back to school for? Well, I'm going to tell you anyway. I'm going to be a registered nurse! So, I might be giving your kids shots and taking your blood pressure in the near future. 

Let's talk about my week. 

I have been up to a particular community college approximately 5 times this week. Oh, and three of those times was on the same day! You'd think they would tell me what I need to have in order before sending me home! I'm talking to you Admissions and Counseling. Get it together!

Anyway, Sunday night was pizza night.
This is the closest Bella gets to my parents...when they have food in their hands.

 Tuesday job interview. 
Love my new dress...just love me a pop of color!

Shopping with momma at target...loved these chairs as a kid.
Just give me some "Ace of Base" tunes by the pool and a Capri Sun...I was seriously a rock star.

Bella loves her new orthopedic dog bed.

Camping out on the floor isn't that bad either.

Dad grilling it up on the Fourth of July!

I had grilled whole bell peppers, squash, and grilled chicken! Yum!

 Dad took a photo-op of Bella and I as he grilled away.

 She loves to play follow the leader.

Can you tell it was hot?

Let me tell you a funny story: So, my parents and I went to the neighborhood fourth of July parade. My mom called my dad on his cell phone, which was in his front shirt pocket, along with his debit card. As my dad grabs his cell phone, his debit card flips out of his pocket and into the street sewer.

Needless to say, I spent the majority of the parade helping my dad maneuver a rake around the sewer to snatch his debit card up. In the end, one of the kind neighbors was able to help him get it! Whew!

In the meantime, I did manage to catch some festive beads and a colorful lei!

 I took this tart to the fourth of July party at our family friends' house.
Let's just say I had TWO pieces!

The night ended with an amazing firework show on the lake!

Yesterday, I went to Garden Ridge with momma and beside the overwhelming cinnamon scent and Christmas decor in July...really, the Bacon Wave?
I like my bacon crispy. The End.


1 comment:

  1. What an incredible week review! So much to report! And, what a hilarious (but not so hilarious) story about your dad's debit card! xo
