Monday, July 2, 2012

My First "How To"

Oh Dear Lawd. This is how my Monday morning is beginning: I have been applying to a local community college to earn credits for a degree I am going back to school for. Oh, by the way, the second summer session begins on Monday. Oh, and by the way, you need a bacterial meningitis vaccination because you are diseased. Oh, and by the way, could you bring all of your transcripts up to the college to see an advisor, even though the college that you graduated from lists all of your transfer work, etc? Yes, this is my Monday. Looks pretty busy. Now, I would totally tell you what I am going back to school for, but then it wouldn't be a surprise. Just know that I am super excited and will tell you when the time is right. Probably tomorrow. Maybe Friday. Maybe three months from now. :) Stay tuned. 

As for today, I have a "How To" for you. Because I am totally qualified to tell you how to do things. Hah. Not so much. This Monday's How To has been brought to you by the "girl who was to lazy to cook this weekend and instead spent all day Saturday and Sunday shopping with her momma for more important things, like tempurpedic dog beds." Okay, here goes nothing. 

How To: Make Coconut Butter

Step 1:

Put 4 cups of unsweetened, shredded coconut into your food processor.

Step 2: 

Turn the food processor on high and let it run for 10-15 minutes, or until the coconut turns into a thick liquid substance. 

Like This:

 Thick, creamy, coco-nutty, buttery goodness.

You can drizzle this stuff on just about anything you want (i.e. fruit), spread it on a slice of toasted bread with jam, or use it in a recipe (coming later this week :) ). Oh, it's also great for a simple hand exfoliator: put a dab in the palm of your hand, rub hands together, distributing the coconut butter evenly over the hands, rinse = soft hands!

Have an amazing Monday!



  1. Believe it or not, this can be used as face moisturizer. If it's good "in", it's good on the skin. Ha! Nevertheless, coconut is one of my favorite flavors!!!

  2. Great how to! I do love coconut so this looks fun. Good luck in your upcoming school.
