Tuesday, June 5, 2012

You Scream, I Scream...

Happy Tuesday y'all!

Is it June already? I seriously cannot believe it. Oh wait, yes I can, because the heat round' these here parts is enough to fry an omelet on a sidewalk. Truth. 

Yesterday was definitely the day to break out the ice cream maker and crank some frozen yogurt out. Now, when I say "crank" I don't mean actually "crank", because cranking would require an old-fashioned ice cream maker and I'm just not that cool. All I do is freeze some bowls and plug the machine in. The rest is taken care of. 

So, last week one of my many gorgeous aunt's sent me a recipe for coconut fro-yo (because we are one in the same when it comes to our obsession with coconut), so I knew I couldn't pass up this recipe. I mean, I would have probably sold my belongings in elementary school just so that I could purchase a Blue Bell Bomb Stick from the ice cream lady at lunch. I still owe a trillion dollars in ice cream money to each of my friends. Another truth. 

One more truth. 

This fro-yo is the bomb.com. Because honestly, there is no other way to describe it's awesomeness.

 It's fro-yo, but creamy from the addition of coconut milk and 

and the flavors? Oh, just a little dash of cinnamon, a vanilla bean, a handful of shredded coconut, and agave nectar for a hint of sweetness.

So healthy. So refreshing. 
Summer is here. Let's celebrate.

Coconut Frozen Yogurt (GF):

3 c. 2% plain Greek yogurt (I used Chobani)
1/4 c. agave nectar (you can also use honey, or 1/2 c. of granulated stevia extract)
2 T. full-fat coconut milk
1 t. ground cinnamon
1 whole vanilla bean, scraped of seeds
1 t. coconut extract
1/2 c. unsweetened shredded coconut

1. Freeze your freezer bowls for your ice cream maker overnight.
2. In a large bowl, combine the yogurt, agave, coconut milk, cinnamon, vanilla, and coconut extract, mixing until smooth. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and let the mixture chill in the fridge for 1 hour.
3. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and let the mixture churn for about 30 minutes until it starts to look creamy and chilled.
4. During the last 5 minutes of the maker's cycle, add the shredded coconut. 
5. Pour the ice cream into a ice cream container, plastic container, or a 9-in. loaf pan. Seal the fro-yo off with plastic wrap. When ready to eat, slightly thaw on container for five minutes before scooping!

Makes about 3 cups of frozen yogurt.

P.S. Shout-out to my Zia for the recipe, oh, and don't worry I will make extra and you can come over this weekend! Love you!



  1. Definitely a "Parker" love!!! Me, too! Love coconut! Love ice cream or frozen yogurt! Great combination! xo

  2. Aunt Shelly, we are also one in the same when it comes to coconut, Parks too! xo!

  3. Chels, it looks better than i could imagine...how did it taste?
    I am thinking of coming up with a sugar free chocolate sauce with nuts, probably almonds, in it for a topping...what cha think?

  4. ooooooo Zia, that chocolate sauce sounds delicious. The fro-yo came out perfect it was very coco-nutty from the shredded coconut and the perfect amount of sweetness from the agave nectar, not too sweet, just right!

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