Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Not Scones.

Happy Happy Wednesday y'all!

So, I am on day 5 without my car. No worries though because I have been driving my dad's huge, beater, "too old to know the year" Suburban around town. Only locally though, I am not taking the chance of this thing breaking down on the side of the road. Hey, it has air conditioner and a pretty awesome stereo system, so I am good to go! My dad named it the "recycler," so I'm sure that you can gather a mental image of this piece of...beautiful metal on four wheels. Think Duck Dynasty meets Redneck Wedding. Um, yes. 

Anyway, you have to appreciate the little things in life, like the feeling you get when you drive an oversized vehicle and feel as though you own the world. I love big trucks. I learned how to drive in my dad's 4x4 diesel truck when I was 13, and I have great memories of sitting up high in the driver's seat, jamming to George Strait...yep, that is definitely my inner cowgirl talking. However, this is neither here nor there. 

Let's chat about food. In particular, twice-baked cookies. Otherwise known as "biscotti." I have had one too many failed attempts at making biscotti in my life. Yesterday, I was in the zone and let me tell you...not one mistake. 

Oh, and what's that? They are gluten-free and vegan!


I love twice-baked things, especially when they involve toasted coconut.

 These biscotti are deliciously crispy on the outside, and chewy on the inside. 

Then I got a little fancy.
You can't go wrong with dark chocolate. 

It's impossible.

 My dad's words were "Chels, these scones are the bomb." 
My reply..."Um, thanks Dad, but errrr...they are not scones, it's biscotti."

 What a jokester.
Anyway, you need these biscotti. Right now. With your coffee.

Toasted Coconut Biscotti dipped in Dark Chocolate (GF/V):

1/2 c. unsweetened, shredded coconut
2 1/4 c. almond flour
1/4 c. oat flour 
2 T. arrowroot powder
1/4 t. sea salt
1/2 t. baking soda
1/2 c. agave nectar
3.2 ounce dark chocolate (I used 70% cocoa) 
1 1/2 T. melted coconut oil

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. Spread the coconut out evenly onto the baking sheet and bake for about 5 minutes, or until the coconut is lightly golden brown. Immediately transfer to a small bowl to cool.
3. In the bowl of a food processor, pulse the almond flour, oat flour, arrowroot, salt, and baking soda together.
4. With the processor running, stream in the agave, watching as the dough forms into a ball.
5. Transfer the dough to a large mixing bowl and fold in the toasted coconut.
6. Split the dough in half, creating two "logs" of dough.
7. Place the logs on the baking sheet.
8. Bake for 15 minutes or until the edges are slightly golden.
9. Allow the logs to cool on the baking sheet for 1 hour. Lower the oven temperature to 300 degrees F.
10. Then, using a serrated knife, cut each long into diagonal slices.
11. Spread the slices out onto the baking sheet. 
12. Bake for 10-12 minutes.
13. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely on the baking sheet, giving the biscotti time to crisp up.
14. In a small bowl, melt the chocolate (I did this about 3 times in the microwave, in 20 second increments).
15. Stir the coconut oil into the melted chocolate.
16. Dip half on the biscotti into the melted chocolate and put back onto the baking sheet and allow the chocolate to harden.

Makes 1 dozen biscotti.



  1. I'll take 1/2 dozen please...
    You can send them with your mom saturday night to the Candlelight service...Grazie!

  2. I'm not usually a huge fan of biscotti but these sounds and look delicious! I'd love some with my latte on Friday. :)
