Sunday, June 24, 2012

My Life According To...

Happy Sunday y'all!

Last Sunday I fed some of the local ducks...errr swans? Or dwans. Yes, with the little dwanling.
I run by this park almost every morning and let me tell you, that father dwan came after me because I ran too close to the dwanling. Not cool! 

Oh, hello, beautiful enchiladas. How you complete my life.

I am a genius for this banana coffee cake

that I love to devour with my morning coffee.

We had some serious thunder storms earlier this week.

Makes for a terrified Bella.
Yea, she was pretty much telling me "Yo girl, those big noises coming from outside are scaring the bee-jee-zus out of me." 

She then ran to get her baby to calm her down.

She wore herself down.

What's up childhood? Classic photo of seester and I.
Could we be anymore different?

Best idea I had this week.

I have a crazy life...mixing up some simple chicken

with some rather hideous, yet amazingly tasty tofu.

I curled my hair for the first time in ages this week.

Taking pictures of yourself can be quite entertaining when you are bored out of your mind.
Let's just say that my car has been in the shop this past week, for the THIRD time since I have owned it.

Oh, and none of those occasions had to do with me being in a wreck or doing anything to my car. 

I am an awesome driver.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hi. in your dwans photo... the two big ones that have a bump on the top of their bills are Chinese Geese. I have a pet White Chinese goose so i recognized them right away. I am sure that you will sleep better tonight now that the mystery has been resolved. :)

  3. Amy, thank you so much! I really appreciate it! No more mystery! I will definitely be able to sleep better, haha!
