Thursday, June 7, 2012

72% Cocoa

Happy Thursday y'all!

Did I mention baby seester is home from weird town? Well, she is. So, that means lots of kitchen experimenting. Now, she does show me a thing or two in the kitchen, so don't be fooled. However, I make it a priority to bake up delicious gluten-free somethings when she is here. Seester loves her some chocolate, I mean, dark chocolate, really, really, ridiculously dark chocolate. Dark chocolate that is so dark chocolate to the point where it is almost 100% cocoa. Is that even possible?

 I guess she is rubbing off on me, because now I love me some dark chocolate. Chuckle. My entire life I have been a milk chocolate girl, and you can bet your bottom dollar I wouldn't trade the world for a scoop of Blue Bell Milk Chocolate Ice Cream or my beloved Reese's PB Cups for a Hershey's Bar. Are you kidding me? However, I have taken a liking to a bit of dark chocolate as a once in a while treat. Okay, an every other day treat. 

Yesterday I picked up one of my fave Endangered Species  dark chocolate bars for inspiration. The awesome thing about purchasing chocolate from Endangered Species is that you actually help save an endangered, yesterday I helped save a Chimpanzee. Boo-yah!

 Anyway, there is always something to do with good dark chocolate, and by something, I mean throw it into cookies.

It never fails.

These cookies are not for the faint of heart.

They are intensely chocolaty from the dark chocolate, with a hint of sea salt for kicks!

Just do it.
Oh, and help save an endangered species by making these cookies!

Is it Friday yet?

Salted Dark Chocolate Chunk Buckwheat Cookies (GF):

1 c. extra-virgin coconut oil
3/4 c. light brown sugar
3/4 c. granulated sugar
1 large egg
1 large egg yolk
1 t. pure vanilla extract
2 1/4 c. buckwheat flour
1 t. baking soda
1 t. sea salt
3 oz. dark chocolate, roughly chopped (I used 72% cocoa)

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
2. In the bowl of an electric mixer, fitted with the paddle attachment, cream the coconut oil and sugars together until smooth, about 1 minute.
3. Add the egg and egg yolk and beat again until creamy. Add the vanilla and beat again.
4. In a separate mixing bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, and salt. 
5. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix until just combined. 
6. Fold the chocolate into the batter using a spatula.
7. Drop the batter by tablespoons onto the prepared baking sheets. 
8. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until the cookies are slightly firm on the outer edges.
9. Let the cookies cool for 5 minutes on the baking sheet before transferring to a cooling rack.

Make 31 to 32 cookies.



  1. Hi!
    Your dad brought some of these cookies to work and they are divine! I'm trying to be healthy, and I feel a little less guilty indulging in these cookies because of the natural ingredients. Thank you!

  2. I was wondering where those cookies went Sheila! haha! I assumed they were with him. I am so glad you are enjoying them and feeling a little less guilty! Thanks for reading!

  3. Hey, I think family should be shared with too!!! I feel slighted! LOL!

  4. Wow. REJECTION. Im feeling it to0. LOL
    Thats ok. I get the same good feeling knowing you and seester are spending some quality time together. xxoo

  5. haha! slighted! I would have brought some over and we could have had cookies and coffee had my dad not heisted them to work. He does it without me looking!
