Friday, June 29, 2012

4th Faves.

Let's start this Fourth of July party early, shall we? Now, I had a recipe for you guys today, but seriously...sometimes I just want to talk about my favorite things, and leave the recipes for next week :)!

One of my favorite things is 4th of July. 

I passionately believe that you should eat ridiculous, festive looking things on the 4th of July 

like these
I mean, seriously?

Oh, and these for breakfast
because who says you can't eat healthy on the 4th of July?

Oh, and because we like to eat cute things around here.

However, who says we can't indulge a little on the 4th of July?

You can't have 4th of July without alcohol.
Just don't mix alcohol with fireworks.

That's never a good idea.

Oh, and burgers.
Just do it.

Don't even think about forgetting the ice cream
thats like shooting yourself in the foot with a bottle rocket.

You also need a killer festive outfit.

Just don't go too overboard.

Keep it classy.


Did I mention enjoy the 4th?

Yes, don't forget those fireworks, people!

Happy Friday!


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