Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Chocolate + Peanut Butter.

Okay, so we all know that I am obsessed with peanut butter. Once, I almost had a panic attack while visiting the Hershey's factory in Times Square. I left with a Reese's Pieces coffee mug and a bag of Reese's jumbo cups...I was so cool. Anyway, I am always on the lookout for new peanut butter products, so when I came across PB2, I knew there was some kind of peanut butter spark between us. 

Here's the run-down on PB2: it is basically a "powdered" form of peanut butter or ground just add water, and BAM! Peanut Butter, Jelly time! The comparison with PB2 to other peanut butters is that it doesn't have all that added junk in it, ya know, words I can't pronounce like "fenyljedrylodol," ya, no thanks. So, yea, PB2 is made up of ground peanuts, sugar, and salt and what's that? PB2 doesn't have the added fat calories or hydrogenated oils that the leading pb brands do. Okay, now I am just sounding like a walking advertisement. 

Anyway, you get it: PB2 is freaking amazing and it comes in two flavors, regular, and chocolate. So, why am I even talking about this stuff? Because it is a key ingredient in my recipe today. Oh yes. Now, I have never been a huge fan of chocolate, but when it is paired with peanut butter, I say pass the spoon, I'm ready to dig in. So, get ready.

I took some peanut butter muffin batter and what? Stuffed it with a dark chocolate Hershey's kiss. 

Oh, oh...then I covered it in a choco-peanut butter glaze.

Mini-muffins. Zero calories.

Eat ten

or twelve.

Now, somebody hand me the JIF!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Mini-Muffins with Chocolate Peanut Butter Glaze (GF):


For the Muffins:
3/4 c. hazelnut flour (you can also use peanut flour, almond flour, or pecan flour...but it's all I had on hand)
1 1/2 t. baking powder
1/2 c. turbinado sugar (or brown sugar)
1/2 c. coconut oil, melted
2 large eggs
12 Dark Chocolate Hershey's Kisses

For the Glaze:
2 T. powdered sugar
2-3 T. of water, as needed

1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Grease a mini-muffin pan with cooking spray. 
2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the hazelnut flour, PB2, baking powder, and turbinado sugar.
3. Whisk in the coconut oil and the eggs.
4. Drop the batter by tablespoons into each prepared mini-muffin cup. 
5. Position a Hershey's Kiss upside down and gently press into each mini-muffin cup filled with batter.
6. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown.
7. While the muffins are baking, make the glaze.
8. In a small mixing bowl, combine the powdered sugar and Chocolate PB2, add about 2 tablespoons of water. If the mixture is too thick, add water by the tablespoon until the mixture is thin, but not too drippy.
9. Allow the muffins to cool completely in the pan, then using a knife, twirl it around each muffin cup and the muffins should easily fall out. Place the muffins on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and glaze.

Makes about 12 mini-muffins.